11 November 2006

I'm starting to think my friend has brain damage or something. Maybe it's just me.

Me: oh man, jack palance died
Friend: The guy from My Cousin Vinny?
Friend: Was that him? Crap, I can't remember...
Me: he was the believe it or not guy for a long time
Me: played in a lot of westerns i think
Me: my cousin vinny.... i think that was Fred...
Me: crap forgot his name
Me: jack palance http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0001588/
Friend: No My Cousin VInny.
Friend: Who the heck am I thinking of?!
Me: Fred Gwynne http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0001304/
Me: was in my cousin vinny
Me: htough he's beed dead a while
Me: been
Me: jack palance just died
Friend: Right. I didn't know Fred died.
Me: in 1993 :p
Friend: Well, forgotten he died anyway
Me: i think you're thinking City Slickers
Friend: Maybe
Me: and yes, jack palance was in City Slickers
Me: as Curley
Friend: right
Friend: Oh well, either way
Me: .....

05 November 2006

Sometimes the people I like are morons. It all started with a simple question about badges in the game City of Heroes/Villians...

Me : did you log on and get your badges?
Friend : what badges?
Me : CoV anniversary badge
Me : badges
Friend : I didn't get any badges in CoH...oh...cov
Friend : I didn't play CoV
Me : no, it's in both
Friend : Got nothing in CoH
Me : you should have got the heroes one
Friend : What anniversary badge?
Me : lol
Friend : I'm confused
Friend : I didn't get a thing when I logged in.
Me : you must have logged in since the 1st then
Friend : Unless you did for me, no I haven't
Friend : That, I can gurantee.
Me : nope, I have not
Me : well all this month, there's a badge to be had, both heroes and villains
Me : but! i've downloaded i8, so it's all ready to go when it launches i guess
Friend : What badge?
Friend : And I just finished downloading I8
Me : kewy
Me : dunno, log in and find out
Me : i can't remmeber the names
Me : i want to say exalted, but I don't think that's it
Friend : What for?
Me : .....................
Friend : Whats the badge for?!
Me : I've said like twice already!
Friend : argh. Like pulling teeth, lol. I'm going to bed!
Friend : You said something of anniversary badge. I dunno what that is. Anniversary of what? For what?!
Me : in fact, you even repeated the answer!
Me : 1 year anniversary of VILLIANS
Me : CoV Anniversary badge!
Friend : Ok. Then you said Heroe's one also
Me : there's a badge for both heroes and villains
Me : FOR the CoV Anniversary
Friend : Never got it.
Me : you did
Me : you just weren't paying attention
Friend : Nope. I was on. I paid attention. Nothing came up.
Friend : I notice badges when I logon.
Me : it pops up when youlog in for the first time through the month of november
Me : Yes, I bet if you go look at your accolades, you have it
Friend : I ain't checking now. Bed is calling.

/tears hair out

04 November 2006

Anyone remember the Disco Duck records? I had three of them way back when. That's Irwin the Disco Duck. One day I left them on the record player, which sat in my bedroom under a big window. They warped so badly I think there was at least 4 or 5 inches from peak to valley.
I kept the jackets though. Today I found one of them online! The whole album as mp3s. If I knew who put it there, I'd send them a very nice box of chocolates. Or at least a bottle of wine.

03 November 2006

My dreams have become boring.
It used to be that sleeping was the one thing I could do and be relatively happy about. My dreams were always interesting, better than most movies. Fantastic. Lots of action, amazing scenery.. Heck I've even had dreams in other languages.
Lately, I wake up bored. I'm not sure what this means. The dreams I've had while sleeping were so dull that they flit by after a scene or two as though my brain were changing channels desperate to find something interesting.
What have I lost?
I'm considering renaming this blog. It shall be entitled Ego Gratification.
Because, as you readers know, I am all important. I feel I have limited the gift of my amazing self and personality to the few people I game/IM with for too long. The world needs to experience and appreciate my aura of amazingness.
I fully expect this blog to be one of the most read in history, and they'll elect me Sexiest Blogger of the year the same day I'm elected President of the World.

02 November 2006

Has there been a blog where the blogger has no intention?
Do people just sit down and let their fingers twitch?
I should read these things more often.
We'll see how it goes.